Coachella Wk 2 Recap: the 25 DO’s and DONT’s of Coachella


Coachella Weekend 2 is a whole different animal. Where do I even start?

I mean, it’s one thing to attend all the festival parties, rub elbows with celebrities, and get backstage artist passes. To actually be a staff member is a completely different beast…

Marwa and I learned of a 501c non profit company that would be hosting a booth at Coachella, so we applied to volunteer for them knowing we’d not only get Coachella staff wristbands (that allowed you access basically everywhere), but free catered meals in the Artist tent, complimentary accommodations, and the ability to attend the concerts when not on the clock. We signed up and found ourselves “carpoolchella-ing” back to Indio just a few days after we returned from Weekend 1.

We pulled up to the Staff campground (ahem, campground?) and quickly realized that this wasn’t going to be as glamorous as the previous experience. Marwa and I were camping. We had to buy a tent (an insta-dome) from Target and I borrowed a sleeping bag and cot from a friend. We met up with about 20 other volunteers and made our way to Orientation.

The team leads walked us through the camp grounds, where rows and rows of cars were lining up and releasing hundreds of party-hungry youngins, setting up post and barely waiting 3 seconds before they cracked open their first beers. Now it’s worth it to say, that although I love the glitzy life of hotels, mansions and fine linens … Camping is kinda effing awesome. Having that many cars of energetic music lovers with nothing on their minds but PARTYING is a recipe for epic times. The Thursday night before Coachella was a neon playground of happy people, just ready to explore, talk to and dance with everyone they saw. It was marvelous and felt like an electric dream. We partied until we passed out–literally, we took a nap at 1am so that we could continue our rage. Siesta fiesta.

Astronaut at Coachella W2

Astronaut at Coachella W2

The next morning was brutal. Marwa and I worked different shifts at different booths the entire 3 days. Marwa worked at an
“Environmental Arcade” teaching people how to be sustainable and what not through arcade games like “Reduced Im-PACT MAN” from 10am – 8pm. I worked at a booth that encouraged people to bring in empty water bottles and trade them for points/prizes ranging from a filled water bottle, to t-shirts, to VIP Coachella ticket upgrades. My shift was 4pm – close, so I had to work (and literally just dance and listen from afar) to the concert. It was great though – I used my position to talk to hot guys and approach groups. TIP: use your uniform as as excuse to talk to everyone and break the ice, it’ll get you far in life 😉Image

Now, instead of going through what the next 3 days were like (it’ll be a pattern of: work like a slave, dance at the festival, get burned alive in the sun, meet band members, party at the campgrounds, eat, repeat) I’m going to give you guys some tips on the DO’s and DONT’s of Coachella, based on our experience over both weekends. Take this into account when you’re planning for Coachella 2015 and beyond…



  1. DO choose Weekend 1 over Weekend 2. It’s when all the parties are, when the celebrities are there, when there is electric energy in the air, and when all the surprises take place. If you don’t have a choice, go to either, it’s effing Coachella.
  2. DON’T go both weekends (like we did). It’s absolutely draining…but a heckuva lot of fun
  3. DON’T actually go camping, but DO go to the campgrounds after-hours to experience the silent disco and socializing
  4. DO find a way to get an Artist or Staff wristband. You get unlimited access to awesomeness and get to take short cuts instead of walk everywhere
  5. DON’T fork up the extra money for VIP passes. There aren’t that many added benefits and General Admission is basically the same thing
  6. DO visit all the corporate tents during the day. They have awesome prizes, are air conditioned, have free WiFi and are a great place to chill out and meet people to party with
  7. DO time stamp your text messages. Your phones will stop working as the night gets later, even if it says you have service. Make sure you include what time you sent the text and what time you want to meet somewhere (ex: “I’m at the Heineken House” 8:15p)
  8. DO have a meetup place in between music sets (ex. “When Pharrell ends, if we somehow get lost, meet back here___ at 10p”)
  9. DON’T set the meeting spot at an actual concert. Even if you are descriptive with instructions like “right side, by stage, 3 rows back.” No one will find you. Use a landmark or an art installation as the meeting point, and be specific as to where in relation to the landmark you’ll meet (ex. in front of the red umbrella)
  10. DON’T go to the bathroom without the group. Hold it in and wait until the set is over and you can all go together.
  11. DO bring: plastic water bottle to refill, a hat/sunglasses, deodorant/body spray, chap-stick, gum, bandanna for dust, a compact mirror, cash, a whistle (for fun and to find people – just blow your whistle and see if they can hear you
  12. DO fake a British accent when meeting people. Everyone is instantly more attracted to you and thinks you are that much cooler for no reason.
  13. DO eat proteins and fruit throughout the day. More energy, less bloating. Seriously.
  14. DON’T walk away and tell your friends “you’ll be right back.” This is how you will get lost.
  15. DON’T lose your voice. It’s annoying. Drink as much water as you can (even if you’re not thirsty) and remind yourself not to scream when your favorite song comes on (yeah, right).
  16. DO engage your core. Remember, dancing is a workout, so flex your abs when you’re moving around. I actually lost weight at Coachella because I did that.
  17. DO take lots and lots of photos. You’ll thank yourself later when you can #Coachella and be a part of the buzz
  18. DON’T post these photos until after the concert. Your Instagram will kill your battery. It can wait.
  19. DO take the day after Coachella off of work. Even if you think you’ll “be fine,” you’ll be coughing up the desert for days.
  20. DO bring: fruit snacks, trail mix, red bull, vitamin water/Gatorade, individually canned drinks (cups get annoying)
  21. DO create a funny poster: conversation piece. Helps you find your friends. Fun to dance with. You’ll find yourself in pictures.
  22. DO go to the Do-lab. You may have not heard of the artists there, but it’s a fun stage and a hidden gem at Coachella. Plus, it’s cooled down and the crowd is super energetic.
  23. DO bring bubbles and a light-up stick (or something else). So. Entertaining.
  24. DO talk to everyone. You finally get the chance to meet random people that there’s no way you’d get acquainted with in real-life. It’ll make life after Coachella so much more interesting.
  25. DO make plans for Coachella 2015. Now. Connect with the people you met and stay in touch with them. Countdown to next year begins….NOW!