Keep (or Re-Set) Your New Years Resolutions: Diet & Fitness

New Year, New You. Right?

Well, in order to reach that best version of yourself — and stay there — you gotta make sure you follow a few simple rNew Years Diet 2015ules. We’ve outlined them below (and given you a few recommended resolutions) for fewer bumps along the road to an amazing 2015. This edition: nutrition and exercise goals* that can lead to a happier/healthier you.


Recommended Goals:

  • Shoot the Sugar: Sugar should be the first thing you reduce this year. Whenever possible, opt for the sugar-free option with the food you purchase. Lots of items these days do have high sugar content (including generally “healthy” sounding things like Greek yogurt or some fruits) so just make sure to pay attention to the amount. Aim for 9 grams or under per serving. Also try avoiding sugary fruits like banana/coconut/pineapple/grapes and instead opt for apples or berries.
  • Quit the Cans: Soda (and yes, diet soda included) is generally bad for you. Whenever possible, drink water instead. Sparking water with a slice of lime can be a great replacement that gives you the fizz without the fat. Diet soda contains the artificial sweetener aspartame; if you can find an all-natural soda sweetened with Stevia, then you can even drink that instead!
  • Workout 2-3 Times x Week: We can all do it, even though we always complain that we “don’t have time.” The truth is, if you wake up earlier or go to bed later, you can find a few minutes to work out. One day of cardio. One day of weights. One day of an outdoor activity. Keep those 3 goals and you’ll be on your way to feeling better!
  • Feel (Don’t Weigh) Your Success: No one cares about your physical weight as much as you do. Take a load off your chest (no pun intended) and instead of fretting about the numbers on the scale, focus on how you feel. Better goals to set include going down a size, being able to keep up with your running partner, feeling beautiful, or building muscle definition. Take the focus away from a number and put it on your overall well being (not a number that can shift all day depending on your water intake!)

How to Keep Them: 

  • Eat Clean ‘n Green: Experts say that the secret is 70% diet and 30% exercise to look and feel your best. Just Eat Cleanremember to eat veggies as much as you can, and that fresh food is your friend. Promise yourself you’ll eat salad for lunch on certain days of the week — and keep it. Whether or not you have time to make it or buy it at Whole Foods, just do it. To avoid sugar, just limit the amount of dressing/cheese you put on there. Choose juicy vegetables or fruits to keep the food tasty. And most important of all, avoid packaged and processed foods as much as you can!
  • Throw a Tea Party: Make tea your best friend. Instead of a latte — go for tea with milk. Instead of the soda — go for iced tea with stevia. You can get the decaff versions as well if you don’t want the caffeine intake. But green tea especially will help you feel your best and is easily available for purchase at restaurants.
  • Try –> Modify: It’s one thing to set a workout goal, and another to actually make it into a routine. Building a habit and workout schedule that you can actually keep is the only way to stay on track and actually change. If you try a new workout class, recipe, bike path, etc. and you don’t like it, you’re NOT stuck! Shift it, shake it up. Do something that you enjoy. It might take a bit of trial and error to find out exactly what that is, but it’ll be worth it in the end. Believe us, when you find something that truly works for you — you’ll just know. It’s easy from there.
  • There’s an App for that: So many apps today exist solely to help you eat better and maximize your nutrition/fitness effectiveness. Fooducate, Calorie Counter, Fitness Tracker, Nike Running, etc. can really take the mental effort out of keeping your resolution. Find one that works for you and stick with it. Don’t overwhelm yourself by downloading too many — just choose one that makes sense and is accurate. Shop with it. Plan with it. Check it throughout the day. Make it second nature to use it and it’ll be your best friend.
  • Schedule, schedule, schedule: Your calendar is not just a tool for your work life. Create a calendar and maintain it for your health resolutions! Figure out which days you can workout in the morning, and if you wake up late or can’t do it, find a time to go later in the day — maybe even on your lunch break! Consistency is key, but flexibility is necessary. Plan out your shopping trips as well. It’s easier to eat right when you make the meal yourself and know exactly what’s going into it! Don’t forget to find time for yourself to relax as well. Maintain an equilibrium between mind, body and soul.
  • Friends Don’t Let Friends Fall Off: Find someone who’s in the same boat as you are. They don’t need the same goals, just the same mindset. Together you can keep each other on-track, and not feel like you’re “bothering” everyone around you with updates on how great you’re doing!

With all the above in mind — break a leg! Set your own goals and more importantly, keep them! Here’s to a healthy and HAUTE you in 2015!

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.These recommendations are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Consult your physician before beginning any diet or exercise program.